As my independence (or lack there of) is dependent on my ability (or inability) to communicate, I'm completely surprised by my disinterest in the language. I've always considered myself to be extremely independent, and offended by the notion that I need any help. A few years ago, I told Guille that he could do things for me but I didn't need him. How rude of me! Now I hardly do anything without him.
I seem to have turned "Ignorance is Bliss" into my personal motto. You know how sometimes when you're trying to enjoy your dinner you can't help but overhear some awful conversation at the table next to you? I don't have that problem. It's also nice not having to carry around money (honestly, I don't want to get robbed) and worry about it. Pesos just don't seem real anyway. But I realize that these are also indications that I've given up elements of my own independence. So I wonder: at what point does it become unhealthy to live in a bubble?
Maybe I should stop pretending that I'm not a part of this society (although, legally, I'm not). Maybe I'll appreciate it more once I stop avoiding it. And maybe I should think about Guille - he's probably sick of translating. So here's my homework:
Tengo (un/una/unos/unas)....
horno = oven
cocina = stove
bol para batir = mixing bowl
bol para batir = mixing bowl
tazas = mugs
jarrita = coffee cup (taller than a cortado, might be specific to Rosario)
pocillo = cup & saucer (for espresso)
pava = kettle
pitcher = jarra
azucarera = sugar bowl
salero y pimentero = salt & pepper shaker (mine are from Fishs Eddy)
aceitera y vinagerera = oil & vinegar bottles
tabla de cortar = cutting board
panera de mimbre = bread basket
copas de vino = wine glasses
colador = colander
espátula = spatula
colador = colander
espátula = spatula
Necesito (un/una/unos/unas)....
soporte para Roli Sec = paper towel holder (Roli Sec is a brand name)
especieros = spice containers
licuadora = blender
pirotines o moldes de papel para muffins = muffin cups
Me gustaría (un/una/unos/unas)....
(Well, you could just look at my wish list)
ensaladera = salad bowl
bombonera = candy jar
tetera = tea pot
tazas de té = tea cups
batidora de pie = stand mixer
agarraderas = pot holders
well that's exciting that you're taking spanish classes that are really relevant to your life. i think you probably will feel more a part of argentina once you have a better grasp of the language, plus you will have that amazing feeling of accomplishment. i know being there made me want to learn spanish (and french and so on, any traveling does that to me, i think languages are fun)
Thanks, I really love my teacher. It's like learning Spanish-as-you-need-it. :)
The aspect of this post that I really identified with was the lack of independence. For me it's not a language-related issue (I speak fluent Spanish) but more of a transportation one. We have access to a car, but I don't drive stick shift and other drivers here make me extremely nervous. Public transportation here in Necochea is limited. So, if I want to go somewhere, with the exception of the corner store, I have to ask for a ride. I HATE that. I'm so used to just being able to hop into the car and go. Just like you do everything with Guille, I go everywhere with Daniel (or his family) but sometimes, I just want to go by myself! Sorry for that little rant.
Ok, back to you. lol I think it's great that you're taking Spanish lessons. Like Julia said, I think you'll feel more integrated with the culture here once you can communicate better.
By the way, I think we need to go shopping together. We need/want some of the same things. lol
Katie, I can't drive stick either. I've been trying to learn but it's frustrating enough without all of the crazy drivers and the lack of stop signs. Of course, the most upsetting part is the absence of my own private singing space ;)
i can drive stick. nananana. if by the absence of a private singing space you mean not getting to blast whatever music you want (not music that u & the boy mutually agree upon) and sing along in the car by yourself then YES i totally miss that too!!
Julia, I just feel bad singing in front of Guille. I mean, it isn't fair to make him suffer like that! ;)
And it's mainly angry lady music that I tend to shy away from in front of him. What music are you missing?
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